Here's our list of some of the best spots to go for afternoon tea. (Photo by Ben Birchall - WPA Pool/Getty Images)Here's our list of some of the best spots to go for afternoon tea. (Photo by Ben Birchall - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Here's our list of some of the best spots to go for afternoon tea. (Photo by Ben Birchall - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Mother's Day: Here are 11 spots to take her for afternoon tea on the Yorkshire coast

Mothering Sunday is on Sunday March 19 and it’s not too late to book an afternoon tea.

If you fancy heading out for a delicious afternoon tea either on Mother’s Day, or on a day leading up to it, then why not check out our list of some of the best spots on the coast.

If afternoon tea isn’t your thing, check out our list of the top 11 spots for breakfast here.